
ANTIC is a public administrative establishment and legal entity with financial autonomy. It is administered by a Board of Directors comprising a Board Chair and 11 Board members. It has a Head Office under the authority of a General Manager, assisted by a Deputy General Manager.
ANTIC is placed under the technical and financial supervision of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Finance respectively. Its Head Office is based in Yaounde.

8 April 2002: The Head of State, His Excellency Paul Biya, by Decree No. 2002/092 of 8 April 2002, set up the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC) and gave it the mandate of promoting and following up Government’s action in the domain of ICTs. It was then placed under the supervisory authority of the Presidency of the Republic.

24 January 2006: The Head of State, His Excellency Paul Biya appointed Prof. Maurice TCHUENTE as Chairman of ANITIC’s Board of Directors, by Decree No 2006/025; Prof. EBOT EBOT ENAW was appointed as General Manager, by Decree No. 2006/026 and Mrs Paulette ABENKOU EBA’A was appointed as Deputy General Manager, by Decree No. 2006/037.

22 September 2006: The pioneer members of the Board of Directors were appointed on September 22, 2006 by Presidential Decree No. 2006/307.

18 June 2009: Dr. Jean Pierre FOGUI replaced Prof. Maurice TCHUENTE as ANTIC’s Board Chairman following his appointment by Presidential Decree No. 2009/189.

21 December 2010: The Head of State promulgated Law No. 2010/012 on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime in Cameroon and Law No. 2010/013 governing electronic communications in Cameroon.

The law on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime entrusted ANTIC with the mission of regulating electronic security activities, that is electronic certification, security audit and security intelligence.

The law governing electronic communications, inter alia, gives ANTIC the mandate to promote and follow up Government’s action in the area of Information and Communication Technologies and the responsibility of regulating the Internet by managing domain names and IP address resources at the national level.

9 December 2011: Following the reorganisation of Government, ANTIC was placed under the technical supervisory authority of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MINPOSTEL), but remained under the financial supervisory authority of the Ministry of Finance (MINFI);

10 April 2012: Presidential Decree No. 2012/180 laid down the organization and functioning of ANTIC in accordance with Section 90 (2) of the law governing electronic communication in Cameroon.

ANTIC’s Functions as Registrar are to:

Implement the “.cm” management policy and the naming charter;

Manage main databases for all domain names with the .cm extension;

Authorise, train and follow up registrars;

Manage Whois;

Production statistics on domain names;

Actively combat cybercrime;

Protect end-users from misuse of “.cm” domain names;

Ensure continuity of “.cm” domain name registration services;

Collaborate with authorities and forces of law and order;

Resolutions of technical problems related to .cm domain names;

Lay down rules governing the management of conflicts concerning the use of “.cm” domain names;

Act as representation of the “.cm” domain at the level international bodies;

Put at the disposal of registrars a “.cm” domain name’ registration and management tool which complies with international standards.