Author: admin
Tel. : (+237) 6 61562859 / +237 222312027 P.O. Box : 3891 Yaounde Cameroon Site web :
ICANN65 | Marrakech
Welcome to ICANN65 | Policy Forum for 2019. This four-day (24-27 June 2019) meeting is focused on current policy development work, outreach, and daily opportunities to network with the community.
AFRINIC organise deux réunions chaque année dans divers pays en Afrique réunissant les acteurs, les professionnels et les organisations liés à l’Internet. La première de…
Support for .cm redelegation
By Law No. 2010/13 of 21 December 2010 governing electronic communications in Cameroon, management of the “.cm” ccTLD was entrusted to the National Agency for…
Réunion annuelle de l’ ICANN
L’ ICANN organise sa réunion générale annuelle intitulée ICANN63 en Espagne, Barcelone du 20 au 25 Octobre 2018.
AFRINIC exists to expand the Internet for the sustainable development of Africa. One of the prominent ways in which AFRINIC implements this vision is through major events held around the continent to champion this debate. It is for this reason that AFRINIC will be holding the 29th series of these meetings. Dubbed AFRINIC-29, the meeting will take place from 26th – 30th November 2018 in Tunisia.
Changing a registrar
To make this change, the holder or owner must make a transfer request to the current register. In case of difficulties in getting the transfer,…